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I hope to raise a bit of money for Habitat for Humanity in the course of this - there's a justgiving page for that purpose. There is no obligation on anyone to donate - for me this is more about the process.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Continuing the Olympic theme
Sunday, May 20, 2012
A longer post to come, but...
Using Ciclovia to Plan Your Streets « Project for Public Spaces
Ciclovia looks like an interesting way of promoting change in cities away from car use... Try it, cheaply, see if it works... Would like to see Britain's first cycling city try it out.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Clunky side extensions to the aquatic centre
My earlier post refers.
Olympic Pool
Much as I would like this to be about a titanic pool table, it is a quick post with a couple of images from our trip to the Zaha Hadid designed aquatics centre for London 2012.
The pool exceeded my expectations, which were admittedly low, in that it created a good environment for swimmers and spectators.
Despite the quite clunky nature of the extensions, it looks likely that the visuals for the main events have been compromised for the legacy set up (or is that better for sustainability?!). But I think, on reflection, that is a good thing in an attempt to avoid the white elephant status of the water cube in Beijing for which they are struggling to find uses.
It became clear once inside what the plan was for the legacy mode, and hopefully it will work well as a regular pool. Images to follow.
There were 4 primary materials visible: concrete, glass, stainless steel, and a bit if timber (if you look really hard!). It's a tried & tested combination which seems to work well at the moment. We'll have to wait and see whether it ages well. I have concerns over the steel!
The roof form inside is quite wavy, it will be interesting to see how it affects the sounds the swimmers hear.. You get the sense that it might focus things on them, heightening awareness of the crowd.
The diving boards reminded me of water spouts, which is appropriate I suppose, and I think they will be a focus for images during the games.
As I so often am with new Architecture, I was left with the question "how on earth are they going to dust that?!"
Sunday, April 15, 2012
catch up....
The Olympic stadium was an interesting experience - the outside area is definitely coming together with the landscaping scheme - the abundance of water on the site makes a huge difference. The stadium itself was interesting when we compared it to the Bird's Nest in Beijing. The former was very much a multi-purpose venue - it was for the Olympics, but it was also sending a message to the world. China had arrived. London is very much a venue, functional and reasonably attractive from the outside. Views on the inside were good, and when we visited, we were able to circumnavigate the arena (mostly - there was still some building work going on) which gave you the opportunity to see all the areas of the arena, and therefore, various sports, depending on your seat. So from a spectator point of view, it should be a good venue.
I'll post some more pictures once I locate the lead to get the photos off the camera!
The weeks in the run up to the road trip were quite busy at work and home, and so the 2012 challenge, which is what this is all about after all, has taken a bit a back seat. My average has dropped quite a bit, but I'm still at around 100/week which will keep me on track for 20.12 weeks. However, with an impending silly period at work, coupled with the swimming leg of a triathlon relay coming up, I've decided to defer my completion until May 25th, finishing the distance with a 750m swim at the rowing venue for the Olympics. It's also been rather helpful as I've realised how quickly muscle mass disappears when not being used - it's been tough getting back into it!
Next weekend sees us visit the Olympic site for the last time before the games to see the aquatics centre, which still looks a bit odd - the entrance - or rather where the entrance should be - is a classic piece of hadid handiwork, with doors on an angle disorientating the user. The first time I went into an Hadid building at Vitra, I actually felt a bit queasy!
Anyhow - my spreadsheet tells me I have completed 1550km to date, so on my journey to Rome from Bristol, I have just reached the coast at Genoa - Rome is in sight!!!
Monday, April 2, 2012
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Saturday, March 31, 2012
75km has put a bit of a dent in the average, but it's still holding out above 105km/week so we're on target for the 20.12 week target. I need to make sure I can clock up 20km somehow in the next week while we're on the road.
My developing spreadsheet with distances etc seems to have dropped off in the update. You can find my distance log here.
Sunday of this week sees us attending the Olympic Stadium in London for what I believe is the first test event there. From the ticketmaster correspondence we've been getting I don't think it's going to be anywhere near full, unsurprising given that it will just be people like me, completing the 2012 challenge, who will be on display. Oh, there is a bonus that we have a 'show' with lots of people from tv shows like X Factor singing for us. Hoping to be long gone by then.
Wifi permitting, we'll post a few pictures and a small commentary when we've been.
I wonder how it will measure up...?
Thursday, March 22, 2012
So no sooner than I find myself in Switzerland, I blink, and I'm in Italy.
It feels like I'm on the final stretch of my journey as I make my way along the Aosta valley (where we recently skied - flying is so much easier).
In reality though, I still have 800km to go to get to Rome, which at the current rate of progress will take me about 8 weeks. Although after attacking the treadmill on Tuesday, I may need to reassess that.. Still very sore two days after the event.
Tonight sees a visit (in the real world) to see Pop Will Eat Itself in their latest incarnation. Expectations have been set relatively low by the latest album, but we'll go with open minds, and partially closed aural canals.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Delicious sounding recipes from the winner of this year's Masterchef.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Cheese and chocolate.
I haven't had a chance to post for a while, it's been a busy few days.
Since reaching half way on the trip from Bristol to Rome, I've crossed the virtual border into Switzerland, a very fine country, and cycled around lake Geneva, pictured (you can't magine the gym as being quite as inspiring)
More tickets this week: we're off to an Olympic test event for ..... Synchronised swimming!! The event itself is of a little interest as I used to know a few synchronised swimmers (? well what would you call them?) when I was training in the unsynchronised form of the event. I remember Sunday evening obsessions being accompanied by muffled tones of the Art of Noise. No, the important thing is the event gives us a clean sweep of the 3 major Olympic venues well in advance of the games themselves, and for a fraction of the cost. Watch this space for more images in the coming weeks.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Ooh lookie
Last night on the bike was a struggle. I think that all of the miles may be catching up with me. My body crying out for a rest.
So it was with little enthusiasm I completed the distance chart and I didn't really pay much attention to it other than to get my rather lamentable 15k registered.
However, looking at my chart in the cold light if day, I notice I've just passed half way :-) . So even with a week off for skiing, I'm still on target to hit 20 weeks (averaging 110k per week at the moment). This may drop a bit as I take a day or two rest but I don't mind too much.
As I hurtle towards Switzerland it feels hard, but I have the impression that I'm through the worst.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Live blogging
So with my new funky phone I can ride and blog as I go. Not necessarily the easiest thing to do, but you've got to love the technology.
Head down and off we go.
Enjoy the day :-)
Friday, March 2, 2012
Velodrome visit.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Snowy update
On Wednesday we had a private lesson to brush up on technique. The effects were immediate and amazing, with N's confidence increasing as the day went on. We ticked off red after red with abandon.
Thursday saw a bus trip to another resort, pila, which we explored with what seemed like half of Italy. The reds tumbled again and N did some runs which previously would have had her fleeing the hills. Very impressed with the improvement, and it meant we were able to get to the summit and enjoy a 360 degree panorama of the alps. Spectacular. As was the chocolate ice cream I had afterwards in the main town.
Today, a day off from the skiing to explore the nearby therme spa at pre st didier. Spent quite a bit of the day staring at a snow covered mont blanc from a hot tub, feeling very decadent. A feeling marred only slightly by the other half of Italy being there too. The mud bath was a hoot.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Glorious day
Someone should have told us though that it was an Italian holiday. The place is heaving with the (mostly) guided missiles known as bambini.
The sun has been out all day and it has been what we call a good day for architecture. But, we only have the architecture of nature to cope with. Ah well. Enjoy ....
(ps. We're by mont blanc, the top of which is appx 1000m below everest base camp).
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Sunday, February 12, 2012
another day another hour challenge
Sunday, February 5, 2012
30% done...
Monday, January 30, 2012
One-quarter down.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Something for the weekend?
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Bon soir!
Saturday, January 21, 2012
updated route
Thursday, January 19, 2012
test post..
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Location update
I think a little more time on the rowing machine and in the pool are in order. (gulps as he looks onwards towards the jump from France to Italy).
And a picture of a wild goat.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
location update
Saturday, January 14, 2012
In unrelated news....
Friday, January 13, 2012
Not 22k after all.
This means that I only had 13k to make up.
Mission accomplished. Spreadsheet updated!
A Bristol sunrise for visual delight.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Strictly speaking....
However, having had it brought to my attention, it does seem a little odd that it didn't coincide with the new year. So I'll be updating the spreadsheet to start from 2012 on the 1 Jan.
I'll just have to do a monster session on the weekend to make it up.
Thanks tony!
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Going the distance.
I now know I can do 20k on a bike, followed by 5k on my feet (albeit cross trainer). The rest is about time.
The importance of this, if you weren't already aware, is that these are the distances for a sprint triathlon - which is 750m / 20k / 5k.
I've updated the spreadsheet and it looks like 20(.12) weeks is doable for the challenge. I'll make that weeks in the country as we'll be hitting the slopes at some point.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Once an accountant.
And stretching my use of technology that little bit further I have it in google docs - and it should be visible by clicking on this link >>> >>>click
There may need to be something to do with permissions, but I'll fix that as we go.
In the meantime, my 2012 challenge would, if carried out on the open road, get me from Bristol to the outskirts of Rome. Which is nice.
And for visual interest: a rarely seen view of the second Severn crossing.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Multi sports !
I Managed to clock up 17km (5k x-trainer, 10k bike and 2k rowing) and get home in time to explore the wonders of HDTV.
My 5k x-trainer time is coming down quite dramatically. Soon I'll be brave enough to try it on the treadmill.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
A damp start to 2012
(1990.2 to go)
It didn't seem to deter the many walkers in Ashton Court out exercising their legs, children or pets. Quite muddy though.
Luckily the Clifton Sausage was open to provide sustenance for the final leg of the journey - on which we saw a graffito which made us chuckle and think of John.
My views on graffiti will be expanded upon in due course.